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Youth in Action in Gotse Delchev

After two weeks in Bulgaria I have finally left its capital city to explore other parts of the country during the last weekend. I travelled, together with eight other members of the LAGYA team from Sofia, to south-western Bulgaria. More specifically we went to Gotse Delchev (Гоце Делчев), a small city in Blagoevgrad Province next to the Greek border. We organised a Youth in Action event there to celebrate the International Youth Day. The aim of the event was informing local teenagers about the Erasmus Plus programs. Personally I spoke about the European Voluntary Service, its characteristics and how it can help them. We also organised a World Café where teens spoke about different ways to improve themselves and the society. Finally, there was also a simulation game when the youngsters were divided in groups representing various parts of the society and had to found an agreement Overall it was a nice experience for both the organisers and the assistants.

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