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My EVS Midterm Training

In the beginning of September I expected to participate in the on-arrival training for new EVS volunteers in Bulgaria. Sadly, the hotel where that training was held was full and I was not allowed to join.

After that, I've been waiting for months for a new opportunity and this has finally arrived. A new training was held in Hotel Grami, located in the Business Park of Sofia, on December 11 to 14. I went there to join the mid term training this time.

During the training all volunteers had a chance to ask questions to the National Agency and one worker answered them. We've got to know a bit more about Bulgaria, from silly jokes to interesting places to visit. We learnt more about Youthpass, European Solidarity Corps, personal projects and everything regarding EVS. There were workshops about conflict management. Despite the name, it was more a meeting than a training. It was a great occasion to meet many other volunteers from different nationalities, working in different projects and living in different cities and towns all across the country. We shared our experiences and projects while we got to know one each other.

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